Redefining Public Sector Unionism
Mike Terry
Not Available
European Works Councils
Ian Fitzgerald
Human Resource Management in Developing Countries
Pawan S Budhwar
Management, Labour Process and Software Development
Rowena Barrett
Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions
Fiona Colgan
Towards a European Labour Identity
Michael Whittall
Power at Work
Darren McCabe
Trade Unions in a Neoliberal World
Gary Daniels
The Politics of Industrial Relations
Kerstin University of Central Florida and 1 more
Partnership and Modernisation in Employment Relations
Miguel Martinez Lucio
Foucault, Governmentality, and Organization
Alan Kathryn Haynes is Northern Society Chair in Accounting Finance at Newcastle University Business School and 2 more
Human Resource Management in the Hotel Industry
Kim University of Nottingham and 1 more
Management in the Airline Industry
Geraint Harvey
Voice and Involvement at Work
Paul J Gollan
Corporate Social Responsibility and Trade Unions
Lutz Preuss
Ethical Socialism and the Trade Unions
John Kelly
European Works Councils and Industrial Relations
Jeremy Waddington
Employee Ownership, Participation and Governance
Andrew Pendleton
Diversity Management in the UK
Annemarie Greene and 1 more
Employment Relations under Coalition Government
Steve Williams
Social Failures of EU Enlargement
Guglielmo Meardi
Minimum Wages, Pay Equity, and Comparative Industrial Relations
Damian Grimshaw
Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond
Suzan Lewis
Gender and Leadership in Unions
Gill Kirton and 1 more
Trade Unions and Workplace Training
Richard Cooney
Gendering and Diversifying Trade Union Leadership
Sue Ruskin College and 1 more
Men, Wage Work and Family
Paula School of Management and 2 more
Board Level Employee Representation in Europe
Jeremy Waddington and 1 more
Employment Relations Under Coalition Government
Steve Williams and 1 more
Financial Services Partnerships
Peter J Samuel
Alan McKinlay and 1 more
Paul Gollan and 3 more
The Transformation of Employment Relations in Europe
Jim Arrowsmith
Employment Relations in Non-Union Firms
Tony Dundon and 1 more
The Gender Pay Gap and Social Partnership in Europe
Hazel Conley
A Comparison of the Trade Union Merger Process in Britain and Germany
Jeremy Waddington and 2 more
Unions and Employment in a Market Economy
Andrew Brady
A New Theory of Industrial Relations
Conor Cradden
Trade Unions and Arab Revolutions
Hèla Yousfi
Contemporary Work and the Future of Employment in Developed Countries
Peter Holland and 1 more
Hazel Conley and 4 more
Strategic Management of Diversity in the Workplace
Emile Chidiac
Lutz Preuss and 2 more
Trade Unions in the Course of European Integration
Martin Seeliger
Andrew Unite the Union and 2 more
Heba F ElShazli
Workplace Attachments
James Grady and 3 more
The Professionalisation of Human Resource Management
Ruth Elizabeth Slater
Posted Work in the European Union
Jens Arnholtz
Peter Holland
Work and Labor Relations in the Construction Industry
Dale Belman and 2 more
Employment, Trade Unionism, and Class
Gregoris Ioannou
Solidaristic Wages Policy
Thorsten Schulten
Employment Relations and Public Sector Reform
Whyeda GillMcLure
Employment Relations as Networks
Bernd Durham University and 1 more
Contemporary Employers’ Organizations
Leon University of Cardiff and 1 more
Workers, Power and Society
Jens Arnholtz and 1 more
Trade Unions and the British Industrial Relations Crisis
Peter Ackers
The Reconstruction of Workplace Conflict Resolution
William K Roche and 2 more
Kerstin Hamann
Employment Relations and Global Governance
Yvonne Rueckert
Social Sustainability and the Employee
Piotr Zientara and 2 more
Gender and Employment in the Local Government Sector
Barbara Pini and 1 more
Union Recognition
Gregor Gall
Suzan Lewis and 4 more